Home Architecture Popular design trends but with lots of trouble

Popular design trends but with lots of trouble


There are trends in interior design that are just beautiful and glossy through movies. Please consider carefully when choosing the following design trends …
Stainless steel interior

Interior details such as handles, microwave handles, refrigerators … made from stainless steel may look sparkling, shiny through the photo, but when put into daily use, dust tends to accumulate very quickly on metal surfaces. In particular, it is easy to save stains, grease from the user’s hands. Therefore, the advice of experts is to choose metal products with matte colors. Wooden pallets Wooden pallet bed used to be a trend and was favored by many people because of its environmental friendliness, economical price and familiar feeling and closeness. However, untreated pallet wood will be quite spongy and is an ideal place to store dust, bacteria … In addition, before being recycled to make beds, furniture …, pallet wood may have been Toxic due to being used for many different purposes. Therefore, it is advisable that you do not use pallet wood as a bed to protect your health. Instead of a pallet, buy a regular wooden bed with a reasonable price in the market. The social network is flooded with pictures of people using lovely open racks to hang clothes instead of a regular wardrobe. However, the fact is that this wooden rack is only beautiful above the photo and it cannot replace the function of the wardrobe. It will make the room cluttered, the clothes are easy to dust and can not store many clothes .. Therefore, this racking system is only suitable for homestay houses, rental houses or people with a lifestyle. minimalism only. Projectors Many people choose projectors over TVs because they make it feel like you’re watching a movie in theaters. However, the projector needs a large, flat, and bright wall; At the same time, you also cannot watch during the day because there is too much light, forcing you to buy additional curtains to block the light. You also need to buy more accessories for the projector … In general, the maintenance and use of the projector will be expensive and not as beneficial as buying a television. Black kitchen cabinets Black feels luxurious and expensive. However, few people know, the black kitchen cabinet needs special care. For example, black items are easy to stick to dust, when they are dirty, cleaning takes time and is very difficult. Not to mention the black kitchen cabinets unless carefully calculated by the architect, it will not give the room a feeling of heavy, tired if you live in a small space. The architect’s advice is to choose bright tones for the furniture./.